
Telegram Bot packages

Beauty, grace and functionality...


We are

academic researchers and entrepreneurs with a background in physics, who have a deep interest in quantum technology and artificial intelligence. We aim at providing smart solutions and developing good innovative practices for science, education and academia as social institute. 

At TBpack, we believe that the right understanding of technological edge can lead society towards a better future. We dare to try and fail and always seek valuable feedback from our customers and partners in order to learn and evolve. 

We do

develop solutions for emergent and growing segments of the digital economy.  As a research base innovation, we rely on open practices.  We make sure that our outcomes align with the needs, expectations and values of society. Developing our products openly, responsibly, transparently, and in adherence to the highest standards of research integrity and ethics, we are keen on improving the transparency and gaining trust of society in the process and outcomes of our venture. Citizen, civil society and end-user engagement are our basic operational objectives to develop more innovative and more relevant solutions.  Our products rely on user-led innovations, which means they involve beneficiaries and end-users through a range of participation levels throughout the whole development and deployment cycles.  From our side, we contribute to every product hard-earned skills, dedication and a daring attitude.

Pack 1: Conference Programs Management (Amihan's team)

We offer out-of-the-box ready to use Telegram chatbots for managing programs of academic and business events. The increasing efficiency, reduced energy consumption and broad availability of modern electronic devices make them a better alternative to the energy and water wasting cellulose-based industry. This is paperless and green technology reducing industrial carbon fingerprints in the atmosphere and conserving our planet forests for future generation.  Interactivity, automatic updates and ability to connect people all around the globe make our chatbots a great solution. They are always with you as your smart phone  in your pocket.

Pack 2: Scientific Clusters Management (Torill's team)

Leading a university department, large research cluster, doctoral training centre or centre of excellence in not a trivial task. Forging a corporate culture, maintaining research integrity and excellence and creating an inclusive environment require managment of regular social and academic events: internal and international seminars, journal clubs, colloquia, workshops, alumni days, and social gatherings. Supporting these routines demands a dedicated team of facilitators. Many of these routines, however, can be efficiently automated and deligated to the digital assistants, which allow one to avoid detracting valuable human resouces from the advanced research work. We offer ready to use chatbot assistants run on our facilities so that you get only valuable service leaving your technical nightmares and headache to us.

Pack 3: Quantum Science and Technology for Fun

The successful transition of quantum technologies into commercial products requires a new generation of quantum physicists, engineers and mathematicians. In TBpack we are sure that the early familiarity of the target audience with the subject is a key to success. We do not see a reason to postpone the first ice-breaking with the quantum physics till the university bench. In fact, we are sure that the journey can be started along with basic school algebra and geometry. Therefore, we are motivated to convert 18+ quantum subjects to 13+ hand-on activities. 

HOMO-LUMO Quantum Game bot: @HOMO_LUMO_Quantum_Game_bot 

HOMO-LUMO Quantum Game rules: Once you are given a picture of the molecular orbital, you need to guess whether it is HOMO or LUMO type. You keep getting points as long as you are giving correct guesses in this game. If you give a wrong guess then the game is over. 

What are HOMO and LUMO? Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HOMO_... 

Pack 4: Quantum Science and Technology Education

Quantum technologies are set to transform the global society and economy. Education is the key ingredient in moving forward and gathering pace. Variety of roles in quantum industy require different depth of quantum knowledge and mastery. The proper skills are never gained easily. The delivered programs, however, can be facilitated if they are supported by proper tools boosting students' curiousity and motivation and opening a highway to the cutting-edge scientific research. 

TBpack Ltd. is the owner and primary developer of the TBpack  software - Wolfram Mathematica based application. It is a fast, interactive and self-consistent educational software. It is class-deployable and allows one to explore a number of cutting-edge quantum nanomaterials within the duration of a standard class and a standardly equiped computer room available in most of the Universities, Colleges and Schools around the world.  

TBpack is freely available from GitHub repository under MIT license. You can support development of this project of public interest by becoming a sponsor.


Contact 40.ovasil@gmail.com to get more information on our packs